Biden Tax Hike will be severe – Round 2

With the Democratic National Convention in full swing, I thought it would be good to send this message around again. It’s hard to know what the future will hold but many signs point to rising taxes in the future. For some this could equate to a sizable portion of your wealth and income directed toward taxes. Is it your plan to work half your week just to pay for your taxes?

I ran across this article I thought you must see. There’s still so much uncertainty surrounding the economy, a vaccine, and the election. However, it’s our responsibility to keep abreast of what may come so we can properly prepare and withstand any significant storms that come our way.

Check out this article from the WSJ earlier this month that outlines what tax changes may be coming to our doorsteps as early as next year. Maybe it’s time to get prepared by adjusting strategies.

Click HERE to view and download.

Also, check out this quick 5-minute video that describes the looming challenges some will face in retirement if taxes do rise as many predict. The time to act is now before the window of opportunity closes shut and you’re left with fewer options.