Prepare For What’s to Come

“Prep for tomorrow is hard work today.” – Bruce Lee

In our fast paced world we live in, it’s sometimes difficult to stop for a moment to reflect on what we want our futures to look like. Now, there’s no guarantee that we will be here tomorrow, so being present and enjoying each minute of each day on what truly matters is important. However, ignoring our futures comes with some significant perils that leave us ill-prepared to withstand changes in life that we cannot control making it challenging to reach the life of our dreams. This applies to all aspects of our lives including our personal finances.

So, here’s a few steps you can take today to significantly improve your chances of reaching your financial dreams while not sacrificing today.

  1. Visualize your financial future. There’s much evidence to suggest that we have the power to manifest our futures by visualizing them in advance. Where do you want live? What will you be doing? Who will be around you? How will you spend your days? What type of income would you need? Not having a vision is like driving to a destination without a GPS. You’ll end up somewhere, but it may not be where you want to be.
  2. Build the right foundation. Just like a house, you need to build right foundation to ensure the house has the greatest chance to be around in the long-run. This applies to our financial lives as well. By having the right protections in place, by reducing losses that are stealing your wealth, and by establishing an efficient way to accumulate capital that you can access when needed, you will have the cornerstones in place for lasting financial success regardless of what happens in the future.
  3. Focus on what truly matters. If we don’t consider what truly brings us value, there are a host of people who are willing to tell what does. Societal pressures have pushed many to strive for the “American Dream” with the hopes that someday it will result in ultimate happiness and harmony. Unfortunately, this has steered many to chase objects and the symbols of success while sacrificing areas of life that bring the most value. Take time to explore whether your valuable time and money are being spent in the areas that mean the most to you.

By taking these steps, you’ll be on your way to securing the freedom in your life today and well in the future.